Here is the schedule for what we will be doing during the 2021 Noah's Kindness Project: We hope you will join us! Remember you are welcome to participate in NKP however you'd like, our goal of Noah's Kindness Project is simply to share kindness far and wide.
2021 Local Schedule:
8:30 am: Walk/Run for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
If you would like to join us for the run/walk (approximately 3.2 miles or 2 miles) please arrive at our home by 8:15 am. We will plan to leave from our home at 8:30. Maps will be provided day of if you would like.
9:15-9:45 am: Cool down and breakfast
9:45-11:30 am Kindness Activities:
- Prepare Homeless Care Kits,
- NICU Family Care packages (*Thank you to American Business Solutions for this year's coolers)
- NICU Baby Halloween Costumes
12-2 pm: Packing food boxes for St. Mary's Food Bank
- If you'd like to join us please meet at
- 2831 N 31st Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85009
- Volunteers must be 12 years or older
2-4 pm On-going Kindness activities:
- NICU Baby Halloween Costumes
- NICU Scent Cloths
4 pm Delivery of NICU gifts
Please reach out to Angie or Jarrett to let us know if you plan to join us in person.
Thank you!